The Network is a state-level non-profit agency comprised of caring people dealing with the concerns of domestic violence and sexual assault victims.
We believe that domestic violence results from the use of force or threat to achieve and maintain control over others in intimate relationships. The Network opposes the use of violence as a means of control over others.
All of our programs and services are rooted firmly in the belief that people victimized by crime have the right to assume power over their own lives by making informed choices regarding their empowerment journey. The Network is dedicated to the empowerment of those victimized by domestic or sexual violence.
Therefore, we are passionate about eliminating violence. We believe in a world free of violence and we are committed to turning this dream into a reality. The Network envisions a world free of violence. We are committed to making this dream a reality by diligently working in collaboration with other agencies and partners to advance prevention endeavors and improve response efforts across our state. Networking with other entities in our community creates avenues to impact long-term systemic and social change.
Mission: Working together to promote victim rights for a safer South Dakota.
Vision: Committed to advancing prevention endeavors, improving response efforts and advocacy by diligently working within our communities, across our State and in our Tribal Nations.
The staff of the Network is comprised of passionate professionals with many years of experience in the field:
Executive Director: Krista Heeren-Graber
Assistant Director: Kathy Rutten
Financial Director: Bonnie Tschetter
Grants Compliance Supervisor: Eric Lingen
Business Manager: Vien Hall
Director of Program Development and Evaluation: Christy VanDeWetering
Grants Manager: Raina Boyum
Cultural Grants Coordinator: Tanya M. Grassel-Krietlow
Project Specialist: Brandi Storgaard
Attorney Consultant and Adviser: Tracey Dollison Decker
Contracts and Procurement Specialist: Mike Rutten
Grants Project Manager: Megan Timmerman
STOP Grant Training Coordinator/West River TA: Scott Hultgren
Durga Gajmer
Trinity Barnard
PDF Documents:
2023 I990
FY2022-2023 Audit
2021 Tax Exempt Letter